idgaf who did it. just fix it.

2 min readJan 18, 2021

Ten-times forward twelve months EBITDA for a construction equipment manufacturer is a pretty standard valuation, isn’t it? *Pushes F2 on cell H124 in Project Constantine Op Model_V5.3*. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Why is 2023 EBITDA hard-coded? Did I do this? I really shouldn’t have let the analysts take a first stab at this. Shit.

*Opens up Chats on Microsoft Teams. Clicks on Nazem.*

naz, can you look into what’s going on with the EBITDA calculations for the project constantine model? why is this all hard-coded?

*Scrolls up on Project Constantine Op Model_V5.3. Accidentally pushes F1 on cell H129*

Fuck! *Slams hands on desk*.

I am going to rip that fucking F1 key off! *Incoming call from Frank Bastone*

“Hi, Fr…sure. What sorta comps are you interested in landing?…okay, we’ll do forward twelve…Can I get this over to you later tonight?…Thanks…wait wasn’t Latham supposed to double-check those ROFRs for us?…okay. Thanks”.

*Checks clock. It’s 10:43am. Opens up Chats on Microsoft Teams. Clicks on Nazem.*

also need you to run some comps on PFE. look for EV/EBITDA, R&D, op lev. MD wants it by the time he gets back from lunch.

also please go run through intralinks for ninja and see if we have rofrs tying the vendor’s hands.


That should keep poor Nazzy busy for a while.

*Notification: Chat from Nazem*

not sure re: hardcodes. lara handled that, i think?

kk will do.

*Opens up Chats on Microsoft Teams. Clicks on Nazem.*

idgaf who did it. just fix it.

These analysts. All they want to do is pass the buck off to someone else…

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